Building or Developing

New Zealand Central Hawkes Bay Natalie and Shaun Veolia

New Water and Wastewater Connections

If you intend to apply for a new water and/or wastewater connection to our network, please make sure you first:

  • Read our Customer Service Charter and Contract;
  • Check water and/or wastewater services exist in your area (see Auckland Council’s GIS Viewer);
  • Identify whether you require a domestic or non-domestic connection;
  • Understand our domestic and non-domestic charges;
  • Gain an understanding of Infrastructure Growth Charges.

It is recommended that you seek advice from a Civil Engineer before submitting your application.

New residential water meter connection

To apply for a new residential water meter connection, you are required to provide the following:

  • Completed application for New Water Meter Connection Application;
  • Copy of a recognised identification document held by the applicant;
  • Certificate of Title for the property you are proposing to connect;
  • Scalable A3 site plan indicating the preferred location of the water meter;
  • Note – new residential water meters must be located outside the property boundary within the road reserve.
  • Payment of the applicable fee (see our Residential Charges 2024 - 2025)

It is recommended you apply at least 3 weeks ahead of the required installation of a residential water meter connection for your property.

New business water meter connection

To apply for a new commercial, industrial or rural water meter connection, you will be required to provide the following:

  • Predicted average water demand (litres/day).  This will be used to determine the applicable Infrastructure Growth Charges;
  • Predicted peak water demand (litres/second):
  • Required water meter size based on predicted peak flow demand;
  • Backflow hazard rating level in accordance with G12/AS1, Section 3.0 of the Building Code i.e. low hazard, medium hazard or high hazard. 

You may be required, as deemed appropriate by Veolia, to arrange for a hydrant flow test to be undertaken by a suitably qualified person to provide information pertaining to the current capacity of the water supply system to the area where the connection is proposed.
Veolia will confirm the costs associated with the installation of the required commercial, industrial or rural water meter once it deems there is adequate capacity within the existing water supply system. At this stage you will also be required to provide the following information:

  • Completed application for New Water Meter Connection Application;
  • Copy of a recognised identification document held by the applicant;
  • Certificate of Title for the property you are proposing to connect;
  • Scalable A3 site plan indicating the preferred location of the water meter;
  • Note - new water meters must be located outside the property boundary within the road reserve.
  • Payment of the applicable commercial, industrial or rural water meter connection charge.

It is recommended you apply at least 6 weeks ahead of a required commercial, industrial or rural water meter connection for your property.

Change an Existing Connection

You may need to change your existing water supply connection if you want to:

  • Relocate an existing water meter;
  • Disconnect an existing water meter;
  • Increase or decrease your water demand and/or your existing water meter size.

Relocate an existing residential water meter

To apply for a residential water meter relocation, you will be required to provide the following:

It is recommended you apply at least 3 weeks ahead of the required relocation of a residential water meter at your property.


Disconnect an existing residential water meter permanently

To apply for a residential water meter disconnection, you will be required to provide the following:

It is recommended you apply at least 3 weeks ahead of the required water meter disconnection at your property.


Change your water meter size

A proposed change in your water meter size has several implications:

  • The existing water meter must be permanently disconnected;
  • A suitably sized new water meter must be installed;
  • Infrastructure Growth Charge may apply;
  • A new or alternative backflow prevention device may be required, subject to the backflow hazard rating.

Please contact Veolia with the following information to further understand requirements and costs relating to changing the size of your water meter:

  • The existing size of your water meter;
  • The size of the required new water meter;
  • Existing and predicted average water demand (litres/day);
  • Existing and predicted peak water demand (litres/second);
  • Existing backflow prevention device (if any);
  • Required backflow prevention device (if different from existing)

You may be required, as deemed appropriate by Veolia, to arrange for a hydrant flow test to be undertaken by a suitably qualified person to provide information pertaining to the current capacity of the water supply system to the area where an increase in water meter connection size is proposed.


It is recommended you apply at least 3 weeks ahead of the required change in water meter size for your property.

Extensions or Modifications to the Network

If you are a developer and you need to extend or modify the existing public water supply and/or wastewater network(s), you will need to gain approval from Auckland Council and Veolia before any works start.

Veolia’s formal approval is provided in the form of a Construction/Connection of New Works Agreement. To obtain approval, you will be requested to provide a full set of engineering drawings to the following address: [email protected].
All extension or modifications to our water supply or wastewater network must comply with the Watercare Engineering Standards.
It is strongly recommended for you to consult with a civil engineer to discuss your requirements before submitting your application.

Infrastructure Growth Charge

Infrastructure Growth Charge

What is the Infrastructure Growth Charge?

The infrastructure growth charge (IGC) is a contribution towards the capital investment made by Watercare Services Limited in bulk infrastructure to provide services to either new customers or existing customers who increase their demand on water and wastewater services.

Do I have to pay an IGC?

The IGC is applied whenever a property owner or developer adds extra demand on our networks. Typically, this occurs when:

  • a new connection is made to the network
  • a new habitable dwelling on an existing property connects to the network
  • an existing non-domestic property increases (or expects to increase) its water use.

How much is the IGC?

The IGC in Papakura aligns with the rate of the metropolitan area for the wider Auckland region. Please refer to the domestic and non-domestic charges for the current applicable IGC rate.

Further Information
Please refer to the following link for further information relating to IGCs.

Building Over Sewer

Veolia is responsible for ensuring that wastewater infrastructure is protected from damage and that access to the wastewater network is preserved at all times.

Building over sewer approval is required from Veolia for any civil or building works over or within 2 meters the public wastewater network.
To apply for building over sewer approval, you will be required to provide the following:

  • Completed application for Building Over Sewer Approval;
  • Site plan showing your proposed development in relation to the wastewater network;
  • Plan showing details of your proposed building foundations in relation to the wastewater network;
  • Plan showing how you intend to protect our assets. Bridging plans must show the vertical and horizontal clearances of your structure from any wastewater pipes and manholes.

Where the public wastewater main is assessed by Veolia as being suitable to build over, unless otherwise agreed by Veolia, the following criteria must be met.

  • Clearance of not less than 1 meter between any structure and the outside of any manhole chamber in all directions;
  • Connections not located under the building or within 1 meter of the nearest structure;
  • A minimum soil cover of 600mm is maintained above the top of the pipe;

Where the building spans a wastewater pipe, a horizontal distance greater than 1 meter from the outside diameter of the pipe to the inside of the pile/support is maintained (Diagram A).


Where the building does not span a wastewater pipe, a horizontal distance greater than 1 meter from the outside diameter of the pipe to the nearest structure is maintained (Diagram B).

An overview of the Building Over Sewer process is set out below:


Location of Our Services / Assets

You can view all underground water and wastewater assets on your site by checking the Auckland Council GIS Viewer.

Note – Locations, levels, dimensions etc. of services / assets shown on the Auckland Council GIS Viewer are indicative only. Physical checks (e.g. potholing) should be undertaken prior to commencing design and / or construction to verify accuracy, and to ensure that damage to services does not occur.

Get in Touch

Get in touch for more information. One of the Veolia team will be in touch shortly to assist however possible.